Nominations for the 2024 Tracey Banivanua Mar PhD Prize are now open

The Australian Association for Pacific Studies (AAPS) is pleased to call for nominations for the AAPS Tracey Banivanua Mar PhD Prize. Named after the late Pacific historian, colleague and friend to many within the AAPS community, the prize recognises the most outstanding PhD thesis by an AAPS student member working in the field of Pacific Studies. The winning thesis will be selected by a panel of judges in the field, on the basis of its scholarly excellence and its contribution to AAPS’ vision for a vibrant, critical, creative, and decolonial Pacific Studies. Theses from any disciplinary background—and particularly those using cross- or trans-disciplinary approaches—are welcome to be submitted for consideration.

The winning thesis will receive a prize of $1000 AUD, and an opportunity to be considered for publication in the AAPS Book Series with ANU Press.

The call for nominations will remain open until 29 Feb 2024. The winner will be notified by the end of March, and publicly announced at the annual Epeli Hau’ofa Lecture, to be held in April 2024 in Sydney.

Eligibility criteria and process for nominations

Theses submitted for consideration must have been submitted and passed in the period since 1 January 2023, with any required revisions accepted (although the PhD need not have been formally awarded yet). Nominees must be members of the AAPS at the time of nomination. Self-nomination is allowed.

Applications should be sent to the AAPS Secretary at The subject line should state “Application for the Tracey Banivanua Mar PhD Prize”. The application must include:

  • A completed nomination form
  • A copy of the thesis
  • Copies of the examination reports
  • A letter of reference from one of the PhD supervisors
  • Notification of the thesis being passed and/or the PhD being awarded

Submissions will be short-listed and judged by a panel of four AAPS members (including at least two from the AAPS executive).

Past Winners: 
