AAPS Book Series

The Australia Association for Pacific Studies (AAPS) Book Series

Series editors: Mandy Treagus and Katerina Teaiwa

The AAPS Book Series is a sub-series of the Pacific Series at ANU Press. ANU Press is an Australian university press and a leading publisher of scholarship about the region, which is available open access (free to download) through the Press’ website. As part of the Press’s Pacific Series, the AAPS Book Series seeks to expand and contribute to existing scholarship on Oceania, including Australia, though publishing works that embody the AAPS’ vision for a decolonial and interdisciplinary Pacific Studies. The book series also seeks to contribute to the AAPS’ objectives of growing Pacific Studies throughout Australia, and of fostering and supporting a national community of scholars and students.

The series editors welcome expressions of interest from Pacific Studies scholars interested in publishing their work in the AAPS Book Series. We publish both monographs and edited collections. Priority is given to AAPS members, and acceptance of works is on the basis of scholarly quality, fit with the series theme, and successful peer review.

Series theme

Thematically, the AAPS Books Series provides a platform for scholarly works that reflexively engage with the parameters, positionings, and possibilities of an Australian-based Pacific Studies. What the series does not do is publish books about the Pacific, which is to say books that assume and reproduce the Pacific as simply an object of study. We are, rather, interested in what Terence Wesley-Smith calls scholarship ‘of and for the region’ [1], that addresses imbalances of power and that also, in our case, attends to the particular imbrications of Australia and the Pacific. Works published through the series need not take Australia-Pacific relationships as their explicit, empirical focus, although some may do so. They should be, however, methodologically and/or epistemologically sensitive to the relationships, place-making practices, histories, and multi-valenced exchanges that inform the positioning of Australia in the Pacific, and conversely, the presence of the Pacific in Australia. Through this series, we seek to creatively interrogate what it means, and what it might mean, for Australian and Australian-based scholars to engage Oceania.

Process for expressions of interest

Authors interested in submitting a proposal for consideration should first contact Mandy Treagus on mandy.treagus@adelaide.edu.au and Victoria Stead on victoria.stead@deakin.edu.au, with a brief description of their proposed work, and an indication of what stage of development it is at (for instance, do you have a full manuscript ready, are you part way through developing one, etc.). Authors will then be asked to submit an ANU Press book proposal form and a statement of alignment with the AAPS Book Series theme, along with a 2-3 page synopsis or abstract, a detailed chapter outline of list of contents, 2-3 sample chapters, and a brief author resume.

[1] Terence Wesley-Smith. 2016. ‘Rethinking Pacific Studies: Twenty Years On’. The Contemporary Pacific 28(1): 153-169.